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Metaimpact for Corporate Foundations

Corporate foundations are pivotal in driving social change, yet measuring and maximizing the impact of philanthropic initiatives can be challenging. Effectively managing a network of grantees, strategic multi-year philanthropic programs, and tracking individual and collective efforts requires a unified system that provides foundation teams and key stakeholders with a clear and comprehensive view of progress—an undertaking that is far from simple.

Metaimpact enables foundations to build digital impact networks, collaborative ecosystems where multiple stakeholders can come together to act on shared goals and monitor performance with a shared system of measurement. Foundations can leverage impact networks to collaborate with grant recipients on funded initiatives, give grantees the opportunity to connect, and demonstrate the collective impact of their philanthropic endeavors. These digital impact networks support grant recipients by promoting collaboration and knowledge-sharing among grantees, amplifying the reach and effectiveness of philanthropic initiatives. By fostering these connections, corporate foundations can maximize the impact of their investments and drive meaningful social change.

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