
Wellstar System
Wellstar Innovation Network

Wellstar is at the forefront of shaping the future of healthcare and committed to revolutionizing its approach to healthcare delivery.

Ivy Tech
Certifications Empowering Hoosier Talent

The Certifications Empowering Hoosier Talent Network strives to raise awareness about the vital role of certifications in Indiana’s economic landscape.

Georgia Tech
Drawdown Georgia Higher Education

Drawdown Georgia Higher Education champions colleges and universities as critical actors on the road to carbon neutrality in the state of Georgia.

Mission41K Impact Network

Mission41K is a collaborative movement to address the largest problem tech employers are facing today—finding, hiring and retaining qualified tech talent.

Drawdown Georgia Business Compact

Drawdown Georgia Business Compact is a state-wide business consortium aimed at achieving a just, prosperous, and sustainable transition towards net zero carbon emissions in the state of Georgia by 2040.

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