Act on shared goals.
Create collective impact.

Metaimpact is a new kind of global digital infrastructure enabling organizations to build purpose-driven impact networks to confront the world’s biggest problems.

Impact Areas

Empowering networks to solve big problems

Big problems like closing the racial wealth gap, improving access to affordable healthcare, and meeting workforce needs are complex and interrelated. These challenges resist straightforward definitions, have no end to the number of potential solutions, and can’t be solved by a single organization acting independently.

Organizations worldwide are dedicated to solving big problems, but any kind of technology to support the systems-level change required to confront these problems has been wholly lacking. Metaimpact is a platform where multiple stakeholders align on a desired future state and then work together to collectively reach that destination.

Solving big problems requires holistic action

Align on Purpose

Big problems resist straightforward definitions. Metaimpact anchors multiple stakeholders to the purpose and objectives of large-scale initiatives.

Assemble Elements

It’s not for a lack of ideas that big problems are hard to solve. Metaimpact mobilizes stakeholders and their capabilities, resources, and programs to create visibility into who is working on what.

Activate Connections

Individual efforts are not enough to overcome the inertia of big problems. Metaimpact enables stakeholders to self-organize and connect their capabilities to collective impact targets.

Metaimpact enables systems change

Metaimpact empowers organizations with the digital infrastructure needed to enable systems change, where multiple stakeholders can act on shared goals and monitor performance with a shared system of measurement.


Align on Purpose

Each impact network is a persistent, digital space that serves as a framework where multiple organizations can seamlessly converge to define a desired future state. Participating organizations establish areas of need, target solutions, and the context for driving change.


Assemble Elements

Big problems sit at the intersection of commercial and social value and require a nexus of commercial enterprises, nonprofits, and government agencies to contribute their individual capabilities toward effective, sustainable solutions.ntext for driving change.


Activate Connections

Stakeholders in an impact network can self-organize and collaborate in any combination around impact areas, targeted solutions, and initiatives with a rich foundation of data-driven storytelling to inspire, motivate, and persuade.

A network of networks

Big problems can’t be solved in isolation. Workforce challenges, for example, are linked to access to affordable housing, transportation issues, education gaps, and more. Metaimpact enables impact networks to interconnect in any combination, enabling organizations, coalitions, and regional areas to work together to tackle the entangled, overlapping issues that contribute to the whole.

What our customers say about us

The power of collective impact

Metaimpact is creating a digital nexus of commercial enterprises, nonprofits, and government agencies to create impact velocity at scale.

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